Posts Tagged ‘secret deodorant’

Fry’s – FREE Aussie Shampoo, Conditioner, Styler

Okay gang…there weren’t too many promos in this Wednesday’s grocery ads, but FREE Aussie doesn’t come around too often..not even at CVS or Walgreen’s.  Get this before Tuesday night, and try Aussie’s products, if you’ve never used them.  Here’s the deal:

Aussie Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styler– Fry’s (which is also Kroger, Ralph’s, Smiths and King Soopers) currently has Aussie for FREE.  Fry’s currently has this on sale for 1.99 when you buy 4 Proctor and Gamble items.  There is a $2.00 coupon on the Fry’s E-Saver (, making this FREE. 

Here’s how ESaver works.  Go to  Create a log in/password.  Link your Fry’s card (and any other cards you have that P&G accepts, such as Safeway, Albertsons, etc.)  When you hear about a “Mix and Match” event, or a “10 Item Mega Event”, or any other sale that involves Proctor and Gamble items, go to this site, and link your needed/wanted P&G items to the store card that currently has the saleDon’t load these onto your a card ahead of time, as you can’t “undo” and move them to another card.  (I learned this the hard way). 

Here are some of the other P&G sale items where you can attach an “ESaver” coupon to your card as well, so you can stack your deal and save money at Fry’s before Tuesday!!

Tampax, 20 ct.-Sale price is $1.99.  ESaver Coupon is $0.50.
Puffs Facial Tissue– Sale price is $0.69 each.  ESaver Coupon is for $0.25 off three boxes.
Herbal Essences, Shampoo, Conditioner, Styler– Sale price is $1.99.  ESaver Coupon is for $1.00, making it only $0.99 for one.
Gillette Deodorant– Sale price is $2.49.  ESaver Coupon is for $1.00, making it only $1.49.
Secret Deodorant- Sale price is $2.00.  Coupon is actually in the P&G Sunday insert for $1.00 in Week A (Week 27).

Happy Shopping!…..and find out how I know about the deals before you do!